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Is it Possible for God to Become Incarnate with Billions of Humans in Today's World, or Other Human-Like Creations of God Here or Elsewhere Within our Universe?

Are Billions of People Incarnated with God Today?  

i.e. Being Fully God and Fully Human?

As Jesus, Mahomad, Yahweh and Brahma/n Were? (Draft Title for Book 11.)


Why do we shoot to kill animals for posterity and not for necessary food needs? This is what many cultures did historically to other people. They somehow claimed that they were better, were the real thing, and that the other people were inferior and had no right to exist in this world.

Thankfully this attitude has changed significantly in today’s world for most balanced people. No longer is it acceptable to kill people who seem or are to be inferior in whatever way these people judge these other people. Yet, the solution is still to be decided and lived this way, worldwide.

We can now surely see what the other animals, besides us humans, in our world, are very much like. Thank God for digital recording devices, particularly including the video takers and other forms of photography and videos we have available to us. How many YouTube videos, etc., have you seen where the animals, whatever these may be, are happy cuddling up to or allowing considerable touching, patting, cuddling, etc., by humanity. Except for the flora, we are all fauna, animals! We all have souls, as shown via IMs (Inspired Messages) from God to the author, Bryan Foster.

The most significant IM from God on this topic to the author is that Souls=Life. The living animals have souls, just like us humans. All the other living creations from God, no matter whatever it is God is giving us, are the Truth. Therefore, these other creations with life would massively include the plant world.

Can we accept that plants have a soul? Once we arrive at Heaven, we will most likely see that our world in Heaven is similar, from the physical perspective, and will include somehow – God… Angels… Prophets… Humans… animals… and plants!!!

It will probably include any other lifeforms God has created throughout His universe. This should not be a surprise for most people, as the universe is massive, and we often ask, why not have other lifeforms different to us, existing? For us, these are usually known as aliens who we may or may not see and interact with. These aliens would probably be similar to us, due to the length of time we have had as humans and other lifeforms on our Earth. However, there may be significant differences. Maybe these aliens who possibly travel throughout the universe, are living but their lives might not rely on the chemicals we do. May be, they breath other chemicals than oxygen for survival. May be water isn’t essential for them. May be their chemical needs are totally different to us! Yet, they still live a normal life for them, which is different to ours.

Copyright © 2008-2024 Great Developments Publishers, Bryan W. Foster and Karen M. Foster, Directors.


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