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God's Signs to Bryan Foster - Book 4 of 9

Author Bryan Foster received a collection of SPECTACULAR and DIFFERENT types of images from GOD over a year. These occurred mostly around the base and on the old volcano's Rim - Mt Warning / Wollumbin ,NSW, Australia.

The Sun was the main aspect of most photos. Where's GOD? Revelations Today Photobook Companion: GOD Signs is the 4th book out of 9 books in the 'GOD Today' Series. 7 of the 9 books have now been published from 2016-2021. It is definitely worth the look!

Book 4 is quite different from most images you have seen. There are what I call, sun arrows, sun rays, sun flares and a giant Easter sun cross (book's cover image). This cross actually formed over the period of 7 photographic shots being taken. It was also 7 days after Easter. Along with a double rainbow over his caravan/trailer and a very special Moonrise above the Pacific Ocean.

These signs are believed to be a technique used by God to appeal to many followers and searchers of God. It should also gain the author genuine respect and belief in what is being shared.

As another example, you might like to examine the second included image. As a practise, can you see the sun arrows and sun flare?

Book 4, Where's GOD? Revelations Today Photobook Companion: GOD Signs, is now available from good worldwide internet bookstores as a paperback, hardcover, large print paperback and ebook.

Images and Text Copyright 2021 Bryan W Foster


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