'1God.world' - Book's website and Facebook page
There are two sites for my last text publication, '1God.world: One God for All' and its photobook companion: 'Mt Warning: God's Revelation'.
The website is https://www.1god.world/
While the public Facebook page for the books is https://www.facebook.com/groups/389602698051426/
The website has detailed information about both books including: a blog, links to images referred to in the book, images, videos, author details, suppliers's details, link to my wife's and my company's website, etc.
The Facebook page is regularly added to with articles and images relating to there being only 1 God of this world for all people - theme and challenges. These are placed on average, weekly.
The '1God.world: One God for All' paperback and hardcover were published in Nov. 2016 and the e-book in January, 2017. The 'Mt Warning: God's Revelation' was published as a photobook paperback, hardcover, e-book and pdf in Nov., 2017.